eBooking Palić - Subotica - Online reservation of accommodation in Subotica and Palić without costs

Palić - Subotica eBooking - Online booking of accommodation in Subotica and Palić free of charge, book vacation, weekend or apartment per day in Palić and Subotica free of charge, large selection of apartments in the most beautiful locations in Palić at the best prices and conditions without commission. We offer apartments, rooms, studios and hotels.

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Popular accommodation

Vila Verona Rooms Palić, Subotica
1 night
from 2.750 RSD
VILA LUJZA Palić, Subotica
1 night
from 6.600 RSD
Villa Alexandar Palić, Subotica
1 night
from 4.600 RSD
1 night
from 6.600 RSD
Casa Simon 2 Subotica
1 night
from 3.080 RSD
1 night
from 3.000 RSD
Casa Simon Subotica
1 night
from 3.850 RSD
Casa Simon 3 Subotica
1 night
from 4.400 RSD
1 night
from 3.960 RSD
Apartments Buba ** Palić, Subotica
1 night
from 4.351 RSD
Golden BIS Subotica
1 night
from 3.960 RSD
D&D apartments Subotica
1 night
1 night
from 7.480 RSD
Bobita Subotica
1 night
from 4.180 RSD
Carpe Diem Palić, Subotica
1 night
from 3.300 RSD